Update Release
New characters are coming
We are happy to announce a release of two new female characters into the game. They will be available in game soon but you can check them it now.
Other Updates and Changes
New cases
- New models imported. - 2 females
- Import of new battle map - Flying Island
- Optimization of current maps.
- Minor bugs fixed (in the process of prioritizing by criticality).
Optimization and improvements
- Optimization and tuning of light, materials and code optimization.
- Technical improvements related to incorrect UI or game behaviour on different browsers and platforms.
- Invisibility on the map
- Minor bugs with maps fixed
Innovations for the convenience of players
- Sort servers by the number of players on maps in real time
- Sort servers by stakes
The Update is live and you can experience it in game. Subscribe to our social media to know about latest updates faster and communicate with other members of our society.